3 Quotes & Sayings By Donna Summer

Donna Summer, born 10/25/1948, passed away on May 13, 2012. This page is dedicated to the legendary singer and songwriter who has sold over 130 million records worldwide. Her first recording experience was with her older brother Terry Woodard (a local musician in Miami, FL) who encouraged her to sing and record. She signed her first record deal at age 17 Read more

Her first hit came the following year (1970) with "Love to Love You Baby". The single reached #1 on the Billboard Hot 100. Donna Summers signature hit was "Bad Girls" which reached #3 on the Billboard Hot 100 in 1978.

Summer's most recent album "Crayons" was released in January 2011.

My life was changed in one breath from God. Donna Summer
But I like to know that someone is stronger than I am. I want to be able to know that if I get tired, somebody is there to hold up the fort. I like knowing that I can't pick a refrigerator alone. God did not make me strong enough to do that. Donna Summer